Straight Handle Adjustable Alpenstock AntiShock Trekking
Hiking Walking Stick Pole
Walking sticks, or hiking poles as they are sometimes called, are an excellent addition to your outdoor gear, whether you’re undertaking an extended backpacking trip, or just going out for a brisk day hike. They provide extra stability and work the muscles of your upper body while you hike. Using walking sticks involves setting them properly to your height and the conditions you’ll be hiking in.
Ideal for walking hiking, snowshoeing, backcountry snowboarding, alpine climbing, telemark skiing and more. These Poles allows you for quick adjustment of height for all sizes and trail/backcountry conditions.
100% Brand Hiking Stick with anti-shock mechanism, which reduces stress and body weight on knees, thighs, shoulders and lower back
Splendid and Very Useful Fold up Walking Stick
Duralumin 4-Section adjustable telescopic pole. Adjustable length from approximately 21″ to 43″ (52cm to 110cm)
Removable trekking (mud/snow) basket to prevent the manganese tip from sinking into soft dirt or sand
Made of lightweight aluminum metal, strong and light weighted
Ergonomic grip handle, comfortable feel
Adjustable wrist strap provides support for your arm
Easy Twist lock system
Hard Steel Tip with Removable Rubber Ferrule, protect the hiking stick
Can be easily carried in a backpack when retracted
Color: Black / Red / Blue / Silver
Weight (approxi.): 350g
High Quality Guarantee
The quality definitely let your mind at ease??Please rest assured to buy.

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